
Mango Hoppers Control and Preventive Measures

Mango Leafhopper

As the season is starting for mango, the pest threshold on the mango increases, the major pest on mango is leafhopper. The nymph and adult of the idioscopus species suck saps from leaves, fruit, and twigs. Because of this mango tree, young flowers are unable to develop. While feeding on mango trees, hoopers produce surgery fluid that attracts the other insects. The mango hoppers lay their eggs into leaves and flower stems. The losses because of mango hoppers are up to 50%.

The scientific name of mango leafhopper is Idioscopus clypealis The adult mango hoppers are golden and dark brown in color, about 4-5mm. They can lay 100 to 200 eggs and are preferably found under the leaves where the humidity is high. They can spread disease by flying from one tree to another.

Organic Control:

The affected tree can be treated with an oil-based spray containing  Fungi Beauveria bassiana. Spraying on the tree should be done 2-3 times/week. The neem-based spray of 3% neem oil can also reduce the population by up to 60%.

Chemical Control :

Always consider an integrated approach that includes both preventive and biological treatment. Use sprays containing cypermethrin (0.4%), they are proven very highly effective against mango hopper, the insecticide containing dimethoate can be sprayed and also injected into the trunks. Two sprays weekly are highly recommended before the beginning of the flower.

Preventive Measures

Following are the preventive measures of mango leafhopper:

  1. Keep a wide distance between trees when planting.
  2. Regularly monitor the orchids for nymphs and adults.
  3. Choose varieties that are less susceptible to mango hoppers.
  4. Don’t transport infected mango plants between orchards

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