
 Crop2x Mobile Application for Sustainable Agricultural Practices

Farmers all over the world face a variety of difficulties when producing food. The problems include rapid population growth, resource depletion, soil degradation, decreased land use, and water shortage. Increasing farm production is necessary to satisfy the present and future demands of a population that is expanding globally. This work must be done in a […]

 Crop2x Mobile Application for Sustainable Agricultural Practices Read More »

Installing Sensor Probes at MCI Program for Artistic Milliners

In collaboration with Artistic Milliners, Team Crop2x has successfully deployed sensor probes at farms participating in the Artistic Milliners MCI (Milliner’s Cotton Initiative) program. Consequently, this innovative move marks a significant step towards revolutionizing cotton production in Pakistan. Our sensor probes offer a detailed underground map in real-time, providing farmers with the most accurate data

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