
Mango Mealy Bug

Mealybugs are sucking bugs, delicate bodied, oval-molded, and cottony in appearance. Mealybugs are found on leaves, stems, roots, and fruits covered like whitish powder. The mango mealybugs suck an immense quantity of sap from all sections of the tree. Lately in Pakistan mealybugs are intensely invading the mango tree.


Clusters of mealybugs can be seen under the leaf surface. Mealybugs nymphs and grown-ups suck the sap of the plant and limit the strength of the plant which additionally causes the wilting and yellowing of the leaves. Fruit might drop prematurely on crop plants. They usually assault the plants during the blooming season and assuming the control measures are not taken on schedule, the yield might be obliterated.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

All crop residues from infested fields ought to be taken out and burnt. Fields boundaries ought to be liberated from weeds and debris that might uphold mealybugs between planting. Apply tacky bands like ‘Track-trap’ on the main stem to prevent crawlers of mealy bugs from arriving at the bunch.

The IPM schedule of mealybug is vital and helpful if tasks are finished at the right time. In October, flooding of orchards with water kills the eggs. Plowing the orchards in November opens the eggs to the sun’s hotness. In the middle of December, 400 gauges of alkathene sheet of 25 cm width might be fastened to the trunk of the tree other than raking the soil around the trunk of the tree and mixing 2% Methyl Parathion dust. The dust may likewise be sprinkled beneath the alkathene band on the tree. The above IPM plan holds a guarantee to minimize the control of mealybug however splashing of Neem product will additionally guarantee the decrease of the pest population.

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